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说明: Pharmacy, one of the installation of security instrument design: separation of people and drugs.A need equipment: anti-theft device, double-sided adhesive permanent magnetic strip, magnetic strip naked, single-sided plastic magnetic strip bar codes. Second, run the steps 1, first of all put into the need to control the inside of the kit, or quote the permanent magnetic strip on a 6-8CM. 2, anti-theft door and cash register needs adjacent to install. Customers choose the right drugs to bring to the checkout payment processing procedures, the customers come through the security door, thus to check whether there are customers who have not paid the cash register drugs. 3, the cash register after the drug again from the side of the security door from the cashier handed the c...
说明: 1,  Anti-theft System Introduction  Over the years, the business as effectively as possible in order to enable devices to reduce losses, has been engaged in a wide range of exploration and practice. A study showed that the British Library (bookstore) and theft problems than we originally imagined more serious. The amount of annual loss of up to 350 million U.S. dollars, or British men, women and children close to 7 U.S. dollars per share. Similar studies have shown that each of the first nationwide loss of nearly 9 million books, the library opened in 2800, when almost an hour lost. Public and academic libraries are losing books, a monthly average of the 67 worst when up to 2000, seriously affected the open-shelf borrowing and sales. Currently on the market to see books on a...
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